September 30

Finding the Silver Lining Practice


[Practice] Finding Silver Linings: Change your outlook on a negative event — and enjoy less stress.

Time Required:

10 minutes daily for three weeks.

How To Do it:

You can do this practice on paper, on a word processor, or on your phone’s notes application—whatever works best for you.

  1. To start, list five things that make you feel like your life is enjoyable, enriching, or worthwhile at this moment. These things can be as general as “being in good health” or as specific as “drinking a delicious cup of coffee this morning.” The purpose of this first step is to help you get into a positive state of mind about your life in general.
  2. Next, think about the most recent time when something didn’t go your way, or when you felt frustrated, irritated, or upset.
  3. In a few sentences, briefly describe the situation.
  4. Then, list three things that can help you see the bright side of this situation. For example, perhaps you missed your bus this morning. Three ways to look on the bright side of this situation might be: 
      • Even though you missed the bus, you got some good exercise when you were running to catch it.
      • You’re fortunate to live in a city where there was another bus just 10 minutes later, or where buses run reliably at all.
      • Ten years from now, you likely won’t remember what happened this morning.
      • Even though you missed the bus, you got some good exercise when you were running to catch it.


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