Accelerate Your Success by Understanding Your Personality with the Enneagram

Gain Clarity and Actionable Insights for Personal Growth and Development



The Enneagram gives us a map to what is going on inside of us, allowing us to take an objective look at our internal landscape or terrain. It helps us understand WHY we do the things we do and what is driving us. It shows us the lens through which we see the world, and gives us a look through the lenses of others.

Do you...

  • Find yourself continually self-sabotaging, repeating the same missteps over and over?
  • Know your own patterns (or are curious about them), but don’t know how to break the destructive ones?
  • Want a deeper look within yourself into WHY you do the things you do?
  • Are ready for guidance to help you reach your highest potential and best self possible?

If you answered YES, then this package is for you!

Take a Deeper dive into the real YOU.

Get Your Enneagram Assessment Package Now

The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box. It shows you the box you are already in and how to get out of it." - Russ Hudson, Enneagram Institute”

Map of Compassion and Curiosity.

Imagine how much more compassion and curiosity we would have for ourselves and others if we could really see WHY we do what we do. 

That is what the Enneagram does. It is a map of compassion and curiosity.

There are a number of personality assessment tools available to you, including Myers-Briggs, DISC Assessment, StrengthsFinder, MMPI, and so on.  But these maps only show us what’s happening on the outside. While we can learn a lot about our traits, actions, reactions, and coping methods, we may not necessarily gain an understanding of of why we do what we do. 

Not only does the Enneagram give us a close, personal look at what it feels like to be in our own skin... it lets us glimpse other from that perspective. We learn the WHY behind our behaviors, and the WHY behind the behavior of others.

Any good map has a “you are here” indicator, and the Enneagram is just such a map. It shows us where we are right now, and helps us to take the first step in our journey to our true self. The Enneagram teaches us to become aware of who and where we are, to notice ourselves, see our habitual behaviors, and recognize the things we do over and over again.  

The Enneagram shows us the things we do that keep us stuck in one place. As we become more present to the moment aware of our repetitive actions, something wonderful happens. We begin to see other options, more choices, different paths. Our map unfolds, showing a new direction with endless possibilities and a path to lead us to what we have been searching for all along: our true self.  

The Enneagram leads us home to our own deepest connection with the self and the divine, and through that connection, miracles can happen in your life and business.

What if I told you that there is a way to experience life fully so that you have more joy, freedom, happiness, authenticity, beauty, wisdom, connection, and power? Let me share my story with you...

The Journey Begins...

If I had only known then what I know now, everything would have changed.

Back in 2008, a coaching program introduced me to a system that opened my eyes to a true transformation in my business and personal life. The insights, awareness, and wisdom of this ancient system helped me realize that I was living my life inside a prison of my own making, and all the while, the door to my freedom was open. Yet, I did not know freedom was even an option. 

Let's just say I was the center of my own suffering and self-sabotage, and I wanted so much more.

The Enneagram system is something that has enabled me and my business to function at my highest and best, all while doing so in a way that reminds me to stay connected to my essential soulful qualities. Sounds like something great to have, right? For me, the difference between my past and present lives is night and day. 

My desire is for you to obtain your own map through the power of the Enneagram. That’s why I offer Enneagram typing for both individuals and organizations. Knowing where you are in this ancient system can bring abundance, clarity, and joy to your life. May it transform you in the very best of ways! 

Mellissa Rempfer, MA. Ed AET, PCC

Enneagram Institute Certified Teacher and Authorized Workshop Facilitator

The Know Yourself  Package: Discover Yourself

This interactive Enneagram assessment and coaching session helps individuals, couples, teams, and organizations learn why they do the things they do.

The Know Yourself  Package will help you:

  • Discover the Enneagram system's description for you (also known as your "type")
  • Learn about your innate gifts
  • Learn to recognize warning signs when you are acting out of stress, as opposed to thoughtful action
  • Discover specific self-awareness activities and practical exercises that will help you stop getting in your own way

The Know Yourself  Package will get you:

1. Assessment

The full, scientifically validated Enneagram Institute Riso-Hudson RHETI Assessment (40 minutes), the same assessment used by The Enneagram Institute.

2. Interpretive Coaching Session

A one-on-one interpretive coaching session with one of our great coaches to explore your results and confirm your type (45 minutes).

3. Personalized Report

A personalized assessment and growth report filled with a histogram of all the types within you, famous people of the same type, and specific growth opportunities designed just for you.

Pricing Plan

Know Yourself (INDIVIDUAL)


Bring forth the best version of yourself.

  • Full, scientifically validated Riso-Hudson RHETI Assessment (40 minutes)
  • A one-on-one interpretive coaching session (45 minutes)
  • Personalized development report 
Know Yourself (Couple)


For two people who want to discover the power of the Enneagram together.

  • Full, scientifically validated Riso-Hudson RHETI Assessment (40 minutes)
  • One-on-one interpretive individual coaching sessions (45 minutes) 
  • A couple's coaching session where we explore ways that each person could support the other's growth and challenges. (30 minutes)
  • Individual personalized development reports
Know Yourself (corporate/Organizations)

Customized packages for all organizational sizes.

  • Full, scientifically validated Riso-Hudson RHETI Assessment (40 minutes) for each participant
  • A one-on-one interpretive coaching session (45 minutes) for each participant
  • A two-hour, half-day, full day, or series workshop that covers communication, interpersonal relationships, and bringing out the best in yourself and others by leveraging what we’ve learned from the Enneagram
  • Personalized development report for each participant, and, where permission is granted, shared with management as well